We found a cool video that we'll use to blackmail this kid someday when he's on American Idol.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Our Latest
This is me trying to at least get a quick post out about everything that has happened with us lately--hopefully pictures will follow soon! As all of you know, during the break between semesters we took a trip up to Northern Idaho to hike in Kirkwood and visit Grangeville, then flew down to Tucson, Arizona to visit my parents. We had a wonderful time on both of our adventures. Our visit to Tucson was especially nice because Travis got to finally meet my dad's parents, as well as my dad's brother and sister-in-law, and my cousin Lori and her family. We enjoyed good food, wonderful company, and great times. Thanks mom and dad for the wonderful visit, and Lori for the great birthday dinner!! Then, the Saturday following our trip, I turned 23, and Travis' parents made us all a wonderful birthday breakfast--thanks guys! My birthday was pretty much the best ever because it was so drawn out: I had a shared birthday dinner with my dad at Lori's, birthday breakfast at Travis' parents, dinner and a movie with Trav on my birthday, a birthday cake and presents a few days later (from Trav), and a birthday dinner and gifts with my best friends Chelsea and Lori a few days after that! How good can it get?! I felt very loved and appreciated. Then, on April 21, school started again for me, and on April 22 work at Great Harvest started for Trav. School is going pretty well for me, and Trav is liking his job at Great Harvest as a baker so far (and we both love the bread that he gets to bring home!). We joke, as Trav's brother Jason put it, that Trav is the one who "makes the dough" in the family. Hehe. On April 25, our baby turned two months old in the womb (and now is the size of a large green olive), and on April 28th we had our 9 month anniversary. And, most recently, we finally found a car to purchase, and will be sealing the deal tomorrow morning! It is a 1996 Toyota Camry LE, forest green exterior, that is in really good shape and seems to run really well. We're grateful to finally find a car that we love and that is in our price range! We feel so greatly blessed by our Heavenly Father with everything that has happened for us lately, and know he is watching over us. Well, that pretty much sums up the update. We will try--I promise!--to get pictures of everything up soon! Hope you all are doing well!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
We're Pregnant!

As most of you have already heard, we are pregnant!! Since December, we have opened ourselves up to the possibility of getting pregnant, and have just decided to let things happen when they were supposed to. Well, we were pleasantly surprised in March, when we saw two bright pink lines show up on the pregnancy test! I am about 2 months along now, and am due early December. We are so excited!! And so is my family. Our baby will be my parents first grandchild, and my dad's parents' first great-grandchild. My mom is sooo excited to be a grandma, and is preparing already. Her and my dad are already planning the baby's name too(after them of course =)...but jokingly). We love being amidst all the excitement. Travis just bought me "What to Expect When You're Expecting," and I've been enjoying reading about what our baby is doing right now and how to best take care of myself during this time (to make everything function well, and as smoothly as possible for "baby"). Right now, "baby" is the size of a large raspberry, has the beginnings of a heart, spinal cord, facial features, arms, legs, liver, lungs, and kidneys, and is moving spontaneously (thought I can't feel it yet). As for my symptoms, I get slightly nauseas (mostly in the car), and am very sleepy! Overall, I'd say my symptoms are very mild (though I've never been pregnant before, so who can really say?). Travis often kisses both me and "baby" goodnight (which is soooo cute!), and consistently shows me what a great father he is going to be. We are both excited (but naturally nervous) to be parents. I will be going in for my first real doctors visit within the next two weeks, and we are excited to see the first picture of our baby! We'll post it when we get it! Well, I think that's about all we can say about it for now, but we'll try to keep you all updated on me and the baby as things progress.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Charlie Bit Me
We get jealous because everyone always posts about their kids and since we don't have any we can't do that... So the next best thing (obviously) is to find videos of kids on you-tube and post them. This video is dedicated to all the biters, the screamers, and the whiners out there.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Hey everyone, this is Travis...
Don't I have the best wife in the world? The answer is yes, yes I do.
Well i don't have anything really special to say... I just wanted everyone to know that the countdown has begun. After today we have only 7 days of school left this semester! 7 days actually going to school, that is. I can't wait.
And next thursday, after we finish the very last day of school, Jenny and me and Bart and Shantyl(bart's wife) will be heading out of town to hike into Kirkwood landing. We're going to stay with Candace in Paul on thursday night before heading north on Friday. Then we'll hike in on Friday and out on Saturday, stay with someone in grangeville on saturday night, go to church in Grangeville on Sunday, then head home. I haven't been to Grangeville since June of 2004 and Jenny has never been so we're pretty excited to go up...just for a brief visit. It will be a nice break from school and a chance for bart and i to re-live "the good ol' days."
After our Kirkwood/Grangeville trip we'll be heading south to the sunny state of Arizona to visit Jenny's family. Her parents report the weather to us regularly and its usually in the 80's. I just heard yesterday that this year's month of March in Rexburg was the second coldest on record... Tucson's sun sounds pretty nice. And we'll get to see some of her family that i haven't met yet, so that makes the trip even more exciting.
That's about all the "big news" we have for now, but after the past months of school a little break is certainly a big deal to us.
Don't I have the best wife in the world? The answer is yes, yes I do.
Well i don't have anything really special to say... I just wanted everyone to know that the countdown has begun. After today we have only 7 days of school left this semester! 7 days actually going to school, that is. I can't wait.
And next thursday, after we finish the very last day of school, Jenny and me and Bart and Shantyl(bart's wife) will be heading out of town to hike into Kirkwood landing. We're going to stay with Candace in Paul on thursday night before heading north on Friday. Then we'll hike in on Friday and out on Saturday, stay with someone in grangeville on saturday night, go to church in Grangeville on Sunday, then head home. I haven't been to Grangeville since June of 2004 and Jenny has never been so we're pretty excited to go up...just for a brief visit. It will be a nice break from school and a chance for bart and i to re-live "the good ol' days."
After our Kirkwood/Grangeville trip we'll be heading south to the sunny state of Arizona to visit Jenny's family. Her parents report the weather to us regularly and its usually in the 80's. I just heard yesterday that this year's month of March in Rexburg was the second coldest on record... Tucson's sun sounds pretty nice. And we'll get to see some of her family that i haven't met yet, so that makes the trip even more exciting.
That's about all the "big news" we have for now, but after the past months of school a little break is certainly a big deal to us.
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