Updates on our baby from "What to Expect" for this week:
"[Our] baby is just over 2 inches long now [the height of the above pictured plum, minus the stem; by the end of this week it will be the size of the whole plum, including them stem!] and weighs about a third of an ounce. His or her body is straightening out and the torso is lengthening. Hair follicles are forming, and fingernail and toenail beds are beginning to develop. Those nails are forming on individual fingers and toes, having seperated recently from the webbed hands and feet of just a few weeks ago. [Our] fetus [also now] has distinct human characteristics by now, with hands and fet in the front of the body, ears nearly in their final shape, open nasal passages on the tip of the nose, [and] a tongue and palate in the mouth."
In other thoughts...
...The more I read about our baby in "What to Expect," the more I think the "simulated baby" we have on our blog is so cool because it shows us all of these new developments!
...Now that I've passed the 10 week mark, I feel legitimately pregnant (not so silly when I tell people I'm pregnant); I mean, I'm at least a 1/4 of the way through this pregnancy now! Now that's something!
...I have a feeling that my morning sickness is just going to taper off until I reach my second trimester, which is a relief. I have been feeling SO much better this past week. I am getting back to eating a normal amount at meals, no longer feel dead tired at 6pm, and even have a little more energy. Yeah, I still have bouts of nausea throughout the day, but I feel mostly normal, and that feels great!
...On baby names, Travis insists that our temporary baby name BE an actual name, so Garbonzo or Cletus it is. We'll see which one actually sticks.
In other news...
...Travis got an email last week from Midwestern University (in Arizona) extending him an invitation for an interview! So, we'll be visiting my parents and the school in Tucson/Glendale from November 8-10 (his interview being the Monday morning at 7:45am). We're excited to have a little vacation, see my family, and get a feel for the school down there.
...At the end of this week, we will officially be halfway done with this semester! Wahoo!
...Only 10 more days until we leave for Ohio!