On December 12, 2008, I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in University Studies, with a Minor in Music and Clusters in Art and Dance, from Brigham Young University--Idaho. The Commencement Ceremony went as follows:
Processional (with music played by Daniel Kerr)
Posting of Colors (by the BYUI ROTC)
Welcome by President Kim B. Clark
Invocation (by a fellow Graduate)
Scripture Reading (by a fellow Graduate)
Musical Selection (
Come Ye Children of the Lord, by the BYUI Collegiate Singers)
Remarks by President Clark
Presenting of the Graduates (by Fenton Broadhead)
Conferring of Degrees (by President Clark)
Musical Selection (
Come Sing to the Lord, by the choir)
Address by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Benediction (by a fellow Graduate)
Recessional (with music played by Daniel Kerr)
Before we entered the Auditorium for the Commencement Ceremony, the Graduates lined up in the Hart Fieldhouse; and as we left there for the Auditorium, there lined all along the halls were the teachers and staff of BYU-Idaho, dressed in their Graduation robes, and all clapping for and congratulating us. Walking down this "hall of honor," realizing that these professors were congratulating ME and MY acheivements over the past 4 1/2 years, was one of the most incredible experiences (and feelings) of my life. I was elated. And to top it off, as we entered the Auditorium itself, the very last person in line (on my right) was President Clark, who congratulated me personally as I walked in.
After the Processional, the Graduates were seated in the middle of the Hart Auditorium. I was lucky enough to be seated in the sixth row from the stage, right next to my friend Shantyl Stears.

Here I am waving at my friends and family in the stands. Looking at them, as they smiled and waved back at me, I was overcome with such a feeling of gratitude for the love and support that all of them had given to me throughout my academic journey.

President Clark and President Uchtdorf taking the stage. (They were no more than 10 feet away from us on our left when they passed by to do this!)

President Clark giving his remarks. In them, he gave us three principles by which to guide our lives: (1) Don't let the world get to your heart, (2) Serve the Lord, and always accept and magnify your callings, and (3) Keep the Spirit with you. (Thanks for taking these notes for me dad!)
When President Uchtdorf began his address, and addressed us all as his brothers and sisters and his friends, I felt how much he (and the rest of the First Presidency) truly do love every member of the Church. Indeed, he said "I bring you the love and greetings of President Monson and President Eyring....Sister Uchtdorf and I send our love and congratulations to each of you." In his address, he then advised us to "Pluck these same leaves from the tree of Paradise: (1) Draw near unto the Lord, (2) Continue to seek learning by study and by faith, (3) Organize yourselves and prepare every needful thing, (4) Eliminate all non-essentials, and (5) What a man soweth, that shall he also reap." He continued, "My young friends, your greatest strength as you step into the world is your testimony of the Lord....Don't be guided by your fears, but be guided by the Lord!" And finally, he said, "I conclude tonight with a pronouncement that all of you can do this. You can bless not only yourselves, but your states and nation. But most important, you can raise an eternal family. You are God's precious heritage. Now go forward and be good! We love you." I really appreciated the words that he gave to us.

Travis was so kind to take all of these pictures for me (as he knows how I love to document big events). I thought this picture of his was especially good (what a great angle!).

Here I am during the Recessional. Wahoo!

After the Commencement Ceremony, we went over to the Taylor Chapel for the Convocation Ceremony. In this Ceremony, both Roger G. Christensen and President Clark gave some remarks, and then the Graduates were awarded their diplomas. Here, I am shaking hands with President Clark as he hands me my diploma cover.
At the top of our Convocation program was printed this scripture: "Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great. Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind; and the willing and obedient shall eat the good of the land of Zion in these last days" (D&C 64:33-34). I thought it was so interesting that this should be the quote used on the program of my particular degree--University Studies--because although a degree in General Studies doesn't seem like much, it IS out of the small things that great work can be done. So, this scripture has given me greater pride in the studies I have done here at BYU-Idaho.
Here I am, having just recieved my diploma cover (and alumni pin). (Big smiles.)
The happy graduate!
With my sweet parents, who supported me all along this journey.
And with Travis and his parents, who helped push me through to the finish line. (Although they're not pictured, my Aunt Carol, Uncle Ken, and Cousin Elysia were also at my graduation, and I want to thank them for the love and support they have given me as well--and for coming!)

With all of your help, I DID IT!

Jennifer Carol Holloway, College Graduate!