The days with Grace quickly pass by, and here she is, over a month old already! To recap this past month, I thought I'd share with you a list of her accomplishments. In her first month, she has learned how to: smile, lift her head, sprawl (stretch out), make animal sounds (or at least it sounds that way to us), hold hands, focus on people, roll onto her side, open and close her hands, and kick like crazy! She did all these things before one month old, but it's been fun to see her increase doing them, especially smiling in response to us, which she started doing right at one month old, and rolling onto her side, which she (did first on day 10 but) does almost daily now.
Here she is smiling and looking at her dad:

Holding daddy's hand:

And I thought this was just too cute! I laid her on the bed for a second after changing her daiper so that I could wash my hands, and came back to find her like this: rolled onto her side and fast asleep! =) Funny girl!

When we lay her on her back, she loves to kick and talk, so as soon as I can capture that on video, I'll post it! Well, til the next Grace update...