Monday, August 31, 2009
Grace "Talking"
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Are you in the Tribe?
Here's a picture of Progressive Field (Indian's Stadium), courtesy of the freeway traffic:

Another pic of the Field:

This is a view of the city from on top of the Stadium. It was a beautiful night--the sky was clear and the temperature warm--perfect for watching a game!

Go Indians!! (This was a tough game to watch for us because the Indians were playing the Mariner's--our former home team, but we just HAD to root for the Indians cuz we're part of the Tribe now, you know?! =) ).

We had such a great night. It was SO fun to be out together--to sit together and hold hands and talk. It felt like we were first dating again, and I loved every minute of it! Thanks Brandon and Rachel for watching Grace so we could have a wonderful date night!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Grace Laughing
I had been reading in a couple of places that giving your two-to-three month old a rattle was good for their stimulation. So today, I pulled out her rattle again (she being only interested enough to eat it before) and showed it to her, and SHE THOUGHT it was the FUNNIEST THING! I mean, we've heard her laugh before--with a short giggle here and there, but she laughed at this rattle for two minutes straight! And thankfully, she let me capture her sweet giggles on video. So, I introduce our laughing Grace:
Monday, August 17, 2009
All about Grace!
In my last post about Grace, I told you that she's managed to flip all of the way over several times now, though not on a consistent basis. However, I did manage to get a couple videos of her doing it last week.
This first video is of her flipping from her stomach to her back (it takes a little while though, so wait for it and you'll see. =)
This second video (which I thought I had taken as a picture) is a roll aftershot. I had laid Grace on her back on the mat, gone to the kitchen for a minute to do something, and returned to find her like this! She must have rolled over several times (but of course not in front of the camera)!! I was amazed!
This last video is of Grace's latest trick (taken yesterday). Starting this past Saturday, she and Travis have had daily bubble blowing competitions. She'll blow bubbles, then he'll make bubble blowing noises. Then she'll do it, then he'll do it...back and forth, back and forth. It's the cutest thing to see them interact and have fun with each other!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Travis' White Coat Ceremony
Travis' school (OCPM):
The OCPM Class of 2013, standing at the beginning of their ceremony. Travis' class is the school's biggest ever, with around 130 students.
Travis receiving his white coat:
Go Trav!
The students reciting their "Code of Conduct/Professionalism":
Each student lit an (electric) candle during the "Lighting of the Candles" ceremony, led by one of the campus Ministers:
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Kirtland Trip
Our first stop was the Church's Visitor's Center, where we were greeted by our Sister Missionary guides and shown a video about the early Church in Kirtland.
This model (located in the John Johnson Inn) shows what historic Kirtland looked like:
This river, near the Visitor's Center, is where the early Saints in Kirtland were baptized (all year round! The missionaries shared a story about a man who chose to be baptized on January 1st so that he could make a new beginning on the start of a new year! They had to cut away ice to do this...brr!).
The famous Newell Kay Whitney Store was located right in the heart of old Kirtland (and just up the path from the Visitor's Center).
And with the Miskins (whose baby is due in less than a month!):
This is where the goods were sold, in the main part of the Store:
And this is a copy of the Store's record book. N.K. Whitney was a meticulous record keeper, and so we know what items were formerly sold in his Store. Here is a copy of one page of the book which lists some items bought by the Prophet Joseph Smith. (Cool, huh?)
N.K. Whitney re-organized the upstairs portion of his Store for use by the Prophet and his family. In this room, Joseph Smith did much of his Church work in Kirtland (it was his office). This was where he did his work on the Bible, and where he recieved many revelations, including the Word of Wisdom.
A Bible:
Many of the floorboards in this room were original. It was an amazing feeling to think that we were walking on the exact place where the Prophet walked, and where divine manifestations were seen. (In those days, they liked to paint their floors, and here you can see some of the original paint.)
Here is the kitchen in the downstairs of the Store where the Smith Family cooked and ate. The china set here was Emma's favorite. It was neat to picture them in our minds sitting here around the table for a meal.
This is N.K. Whitney's home, where the Whitney family (and also Joseph Smith and his family) lived. This house was located just across the street from the Whitney Store.
A period-authentic Bible rests on the table here:
This is the parlor, where some Church business was also conducted, and where the Whitney's and Smith's entertained. (Both the Whitney's Store and home served as unofficial headquarters for the Church at some time.) It impressed me that the Whitney's lent the Smith's the only private bedroom in their house--N.K. and his wife thus slept with their children upstairs. What faithful, generous people!
The sawmill, where materials for the Temple were made:
Here, inside the mill is a replica of the temple pulpits:
This is the ashery, where the Saints refined ash into various substances in order to earn money:
A view inside the ashery. (At the top of the right column are some of the original bricks.)
This is one of the ovens, where the most valuable ash product was made:
Located around the sawmill and ashery were these woods and wild flowers:
Here we are in front of the Temple (isn't Grace's expression great?). Inside the temple, we were taken on tours through the first and second floors (the third was under construction), and even got to take a peek at the original walls of the Temple through an open door in the inner wall. It was really cool to look at the stones, and think about the Saints who had labored and sacrificed so much to put them there, and build a house for the Lord.
These Temple doors are original, as is most of the first floor of the Temple (and yes, they were originally green!). Interestingly enough, the temple was not originally white, but a bluish gray, and the roof of the Temple was red!
Having some fun walking along the Temple grounds. I love this picture! Grace LOVES "flying" with her dad!
It was amazing to sit on the same benches that the early Saints sat on during the Temple dedication, and to look at the pulpits where Joseph Smith and Parly P.Pratt recieved the Temple keys.