I know, I know--a post about Grace is LONG overdue. So, here is a post full of pictures of our sweet Grace since the last time we posted.
A couple of weeks ago, we decided to get Grace one of her Christmas presents early because now is the perfect time for her to start enjoying this exersaucer/walker. It has noises, lights, and lots of fun toys, and she loves it!

Grace also enjoys some other fun toys (now that she's become more proficient at grabbing and manipulating things), including this table top toy (which we also stick on her
exersaucer) and the curtains (I know), and reading and snuggling with mom and dad.

This cracked me up--she's playing with it with her feet!

Didn't you know that curtains were fun to kick and pull and put in your mouth?

We have a tradition now of reading this bedtime book and the scriptures before bed...

...laying side by side on the floor together. And I love it, especially because Grace gets so excited when we do it--smiles galore--because she knows the routine.

We love snuggling with our sweet Grace!

Grace also loves figuring out how her cute little body works. She recently became aware of her feet, and is now in love! She puts them in her mouth whenever possible. =) I just can't believe how flexible she is!

Chewing on feet also often leads to chewing on socks--yum!

Of course, she still loves her hands too :)
All of these body parts are so fun and exciting to her because she has been teething for a while, and finally, last Monday (10/12), she got her first tooth!
So now, she's also aware of her tongue (as it slides oh-so-nice over that fancy new tooth), and enjoys sticking that out often as well.

She also finds it quite funny when we repeat her trick and stick our tongues back out at her--funny girl!
Oh, I just want to squeeze her!
And now that she knows about teeth and tongues, she thinks our mouths are pretty interesting too!
Grace even has a new smile now, which she does while sucking on her lower lip. I just think it's so darn funny, because it makes her little chubby cheeks look huge!
Sucking on her lower lip...
...then breaking out into a smile! (well, maybe a half smile)

(there's a full smile!)

And speaking of smiles...
...and laughs...
...and funny faces...
..she's full of them, and they make our days and melt our hearts!
Grace also has a couple new tricks up her sleeves. The first is that she's sitting up and standing pretty well if shes sitting against or holding onto something, which is pretty exciting.
The second is that shes been scooching forward lately, as well as getting up on her elbows and knees, so the beginning stages of crawling are underway!

I can't believe she's already five months old! Our little girl is growing so fast!!
Well, that's all for now, but soon to come are some recent videos of Grace talking and (so exciting!) trying rice cereal, so stay tuned!