Dear Loved Ones,
2009 has been our most eventful year ever! Let's take a quick look at the past 12 months:
2009 has been our most eventful year ever! Let's take a quick look at the past 12 months:
In December of last year, Jenny graduated with a Bachelor's Degree from BYU-Idaho.
In April, Travis finished his undergraduate work at BYU-I.
In May, we welcomed our sweet daughter, Grace Lorraine Holloway, into the world.
In July, we moved cross-country to Ohio and began renting our first house.
In August, Travis started his first semester at the Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine.
In November, we had our first Thanksgiving away from home.
And in December, Grace met her great grand parents and Travis completed his first semester at OCPM as a straight-A student.
All of these changes, though big, have been such a blessing for us. Although we miss being close to family and familiarity in Idaho, we really enjoy living here in Cleveland, and feel blessed to still live close to some family (Travis' brother and sister-in-law) and to enjoy all of the new opportunities that are here on the East Coast. We like our new ward, and enjoy the friendship of the other students and their wives that are in it. Travis is currently serving as the Second Counselor in the Young Men's Presidency (over the Teachers) and I am the Compassionate Service Leader in the Relief Society, both of which keep us busy. Travis enjoys Podiatry school, and we're all so proud of how well he's doing. Jenny loves being a stay-at-home mom and homemaker, though it's harder than she expected! And Grace is almost 8 months now, and enjoys sitting, scooching, smiling, laughing, talking, biting (with her 4, and almost 6 teeth), eating, bathing, and being the joy of our lives.
At the end of this big year, we feel extremely blessed and grateful for all that the Lord has given us, and we hope that, in this new year, heaven smiles upon you too!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Jenny, Travis, and Grace Holloway