The end of March (27-31), Grace and I traveled down to Lafayette, Louisiana for my little nephew Sean's baby blessing. I hadn't seen (my brother and sister in law) Mike and Jenn since Travis and I got married, and had never met Sean (and they had never met Grace), so we were excited for this opportunity to visit. And my parents came over to be there for the blessing and meet Sean as well, so it was a fun impromptu family reunion!
Grace, I, and my parents stayed at a KOA campground--Grace's first camping experience! With a cabin right off of the lake and warm showers, we were camping in style!

Grace thought cabin camping was pretty neat, though she loved to escape out of the cabin door! (Notice the AA wings on her pjs--one of our flight attendants gave that to her.)

We found out on this trip that Grace also LOVES dogs. Here she is with Buddy, one of Mike and Jenn's. It's the funniest thing too, cuz she loves chasing them around and will squeal with delight as she does!
On Sunday, we went to Sacrament Meeting, where my dad gave Sean a beautiful blessing. Here's sweet little Sean, all dressed up in his blessing outfit:
And later with his Grandma Susie...

...who LOVES her grandbabies (can you tell?)!
Grace loves her Grandma Susie and Grandpa John too!

We spent the majority of our visit at Mike and Jenn's--visiting, playing, and eating. =)
Mike and Sean:
Jenn and Sean:
They sure do love their little man!
It was so nice to finally meet and snuggle this little guy!
Mike taking me for a ride on his Harley:
Jenny the biker chick. =)

Of course, we had to take some family pictures :)
Mike, Jenn, and Sean:

The Grandparents and Grandkids:

Mike and Grace making silly faces:
(This is Grace trying to make elephant noises =) )

It was SO nice to see and visit with my family again, and though we missed Travis, we were very sad to leave! Hopefully we'll have another family reunion soon!