It's not dejavu. It's true! Baby #2 is a GIRL! We are SO excited to be having another girl, and for Grace to be having a little sister. We hope the two of them will be fast friends, as well as best friends for life.
As promised, here's a preggo pic of me from today at 19 1/2 weeks:
And now, of course, more pictures of our little cutie!
These first 3 are of our baby girl's feet, profile, and arm:

As promised, here's a preggo pic of me from today at 19 1/2 weeks:
And now, of course, more pictures of our little cutie!
These first 3 are of our baby girl's feet, profile, and arm:

And these 3 are of the baby's profile and face:
Pretty cute, huh? ;)
The ultrasound tech said the baby's heartbeat was perfect, and that her (it's so nice to be able to say "her" and not "it"!) leg and head measurements look great too (she's measuring just 2 days behind my due date, so right on schedule!).
I didn't want to take my eyes off the screen, to stop looking at her spine, her "skeletor" face, her long legs, her little feet as she rubbed them together, or her arms that she kept "waving" at us by her face. She was so perfect and beautiful, and looking at her made me love her that much more. I'm already craving holding her in my arms & shushing her back to sleep at night. *Sigh* But at least we're halfway there!
You might be wondering if we have a name picked out now. Well...we're still at a loss! Funny thing is, Travis and I were just saying to each other last night that if this one's a girl, we're in trouble, because after looking through our book of "50,001 Best Baby Names" there were only TWO girl names that the both of us really liked last time around, and I'm not sure that we'll go with choice #2 (Kailey). But I hear that tastes in names change, and I'm hoping that's the case for us, and that we'll find another girl name that we really love for our little one (I'm sure we will!). And, thankfully, now that we know what we're having, I'm excited to let this naming business begin!
Anyways, I'll be back in weeks to come with more pregnancy pics and updates about our little girl (including a name poll). 'Til then!