Monday, August 18, 2008

Some New Hobbies

Travis and I recently discovered a new hobby--tossing things around at the Nature Park! Being out of school, and with little else to do, we needed some reason to get out of the house and be active. =) It started with us just throwing around my football (which had rarely been used til this point), and has now expanded to tossing around our newly acquired (25 cent) frisbee. Also, we recently learned how to throw it from the outside, so now we can practice this new skill while we're at the park too! (I forgot to bring my camera; otherwise I'd post a picture.)

And I've picked up a new hobby of my own--cross stitching. I had never done a full-size cross stitch before, and was intimidated at the prospect. But, after some encouragement from Travis, I started the pattern, and...I love it! It's very rhythmic and repetitive, and is something I can do while watching a movie or listening to music as it doesn't take my entire concentration. I've already completed about 1/4 of it! =) It is, however, time consuming, so I'll work on finishing the rest of it from time to time throughout the fall.
This is it's current state:
And this is what it will look like when its done (hopefully):

I'm really excited about this pattern. I think it will fit well with our decor since we already have several things that are Japanese, and plus, it talks about family! I'll post a picture again when its all done.

Hope you all are finding new and fun things to do this summer! And let us know if you have any ideas of things for the two of us to do in the Rexburg outdoors! We'd love to expand our options!


Rachel Holloway said...

WHAT FUN! I have only cross-stitched a time or two, but it really is FUN.

Hmmm....things you could do this summer....hop in your car and come see us??

jmholloway said...

Do you think that Rachel is missing family? I will have to try cross-stitching. I have only done it once as a merry miss.

Do you guys have bikes? That is always fun. Are there any local gardens you could pick fruit from and can them? Kites are fun too, and cheap!

Mindi :)

Jenny and Travis said...

Rachel, I wish we could! Hopefully sometime this fall!
Mindi, I wish we had bikes! We've been longing for them, but haven't found any in our price range yet. And no gardens that I know of, but I would LOVE that. Great ideas! We might just go pick out a kite and try that out! --Jenny

Jessica said...

I happened upon your blog and am so glad I did. It's fun to see what you and Travis are doing. I am impressed that you are cross stitching. I got too impatient and gave up! It looks like you're having a great summer. Enjoy it before school comes again :)

Jessica Balkman (Lawler)

Kendra Nielson said...

I noticed that you mentioned things to do in the Rexburg outside.

Check It's a blog all about fun activities in Rexburg. Maps, video and other helpful resources.

Let me know what you think and please share it with your friends on facebook : ) We've just launched...

Have fun!

- joel nielson 208 351 7727

Kendra Nielson said...

oops here's the link...

Rexburg Activities