Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Week 39 Baby Update

From "What to Expect": "Not much to report this week, at least in the height and weight department. Fortunately for you and your overstretched skin, baby's growth has slowed down--or even taken a hiatus until after delivery. On average, a baby this week still weighs in at around 7 or 8 pounds and measures up at 19 to 21 inches. Still, progress is being made in some other areas, especially baby's brain, which is growing and developing up a storm. What's more, your baby's pink skin has turned white or whitish. A development that you may have noticed by now if this is your first pregnancy: Baby's head might have dropped into your pelvis. This change of baby's locale might make for easier breathing, but could also make it harder for you to walk (make that to waddle)."
Well, our pregnancy/development seems to be going according to the book. For example, up until week 36, our baby was measuring right on (or only off by one) in terms of cm, but for the last two appointments, she's been measuring under (at about 33 or 34 cm). Also, I haven't gained any weight in the past month--it's only flucuated down and then back up (which we figure is a result of the shrinking amount of amniotic fluid). But, as the book said, and as our Dr. assured us, the hiatus or drop off in these areas is normal at this stage (the end of) the pregnancy. (Also, another factor in the baby's current measurement could be that she might have "dropped," though it's hard to tell if that's happened or not.)
Other news from the Dr.'s office includes that my blood pressure is good, the baby's heart beat sounds great, and I am slightly further dialated--at about 2 1/2 cm. (This change was kind of expected, as I've only been having a few mild contractions each day.) And when the Dr. was telling us goodbye, he said "We'll either see you next week or at the hospital." Wow! Crazy! It really is almost here! So, we'll at least have news for you about the baby after our appointment next Tuesday, unless she decides to make her grand entrance into the world before then! =) Either way, we'll keep you posted!


Leanna said...

I can't believe D-Day is almost here! Wow! I remember crying after my last doctor's appointment because it was the day before my due date, and she still wasn't here. (I was kind of hoping I wouldn't have made it to that appointment because I hoped she would already be on her way by then.) Maybe that's actually what made me go into labor a few hours later. haha But I wish you the best of luck as you continue to do the "waiting game." =D I'm so excited for you!

The Martins said...

Wow, you are getting so close! What an exciting time! I remember the excitement of that last dr. appointment and how you just can't wait to see that new little baby! It's so fun to feel those contractions and know that the big day is on its way here. Good luck, Jenny! I can't wait to see pictures of your new sweet little one when she finally arrives!

Bart and Shantyl Stears said...

WOW Jenny, it's almost here! I can't believe it! I am so excited for you two... or should I start saying three?! Your picture looks good to by the way. You did a very good job. last time i saw it it was only sketched.