Thursday, May 14, 2009

(My First) Mother's Day

Our little Grace was born just in time for Mother's Day, and was the best Mother's Day gift a new mommy could've asked for! She brings such a sweet spirit into our home, and I feel so lucky to be her mom.
Here she is on Mother's Day in her "I love mommy" onesie--perfect for the occaision:

Mother's Day evening, we went to Blackfoot to celebrate with Travis' parents, as well as my parents who had just arrived from Arizona.

Here's Grace with her Aunt Tia, who thinks Grace is pretty kissable :)

With her Grandma Suzie (Reed), for whom Grace is her first grandbaby. You can't see it, but her shirt says "Grandma: And proud of it! As you can imagine, my mom has been SO excited to finally meet her first granddaughter.

In grandma's arms, in her first Sunday dress:

With her grandparents:

A 3 Generation photo:

The Reed-Holloway Clan:

Our growing family of 3!

After eating a delicious Mother's Day dinner and visiting with family, our little family headed home to get some sleep!
Here's Daddy and Grace getting ready for bed:

Our little sweetie:

We love you Grace, and are so glad you joined our family just in time for Mother's Day!


Andrew and Collette said...

Great family pics, looks like fun!

Leanna said...

I forget how absolutely TINY they are! SO precious! You look great (and oh so happy)! =D

Bart and Shantyl Stears said...

Jenny and Travis she is SOO cute! I wish we could have seen her in person before we left!