Monday, July 11, 2011

21/22 Week Update

Since I saw the Dr. last Thursday, I wanted to give everyone another update on our baby. The Dr. said that our little girl's heartbeat is strong and that my tummy is measuring right on (21 cm for 21 weeks), so everything looks good! According to "What to Expect", our baby is 1 lb in weight and almost 8 inches long this week (week 22), and is developing all of her senses. She's also getting more coordinated. Example: I asked Grace this morning if we should sing baby a song and suggested we sing "If you're happy and you know it" (since that's her favorite one to sing for FHE). Well, when we got to "If you're happy and you know it, shout hooray," baby sister gave me a little punch in the stomach. It was a pretty funny coincidence. I love feeling our baby kick, and am so grateful I get to feel her every day.

And since my mom always wants to know how big my tummy is now:
Week 21:

Week 22:

And a picture from today of our sweet Grace to make you smile:


Rachel Holloway said...

So fun! You look fantastic and we are so excited for you--halfway through! wowsers!
And we loved seeing our cheesy facer--we miss that Grace girl! :)

David and Anita Holloway said...

Time is going by fast?! It is for us anyway and we hope it is for you. Grace is a doll. What a cute personality.