25 week baby bump photo:
I don't know if this is the typical time to be nesting, but boy am I! I've been on a major baby-stuff kick lately, and have been madly checking things off the list of baby needs, from clothes, to Christmas presents, to bassinets (plus cleaning all the things that we already have). It feels so good to know that in terms of "gear," we're almost totally ready for our baby to come. Plus, buying things for our little girl to wear or play with makes me that much more excited for her arrival. :)
A friend of ours tipped me off to a GREAT sale on baby things, which really helped us fill out our little girl's wardrobe. Here are some of the finds:
Now I feel like I just need a refresher on basic baby protocol, like swaddling & feeding & napping. But I have 3 more months for that, right? ;)
I went in for another Dr. appointment this past Thursday, and got the news that our baby's heartbeat is still nice and strong and that I'm measuring (lbs and belly wise) almost spot on. :) (It's always SO reassuring to hear those things!) In terms of development (from What to Expect), our baby girl is 9 inches long and 1 1/2 lbs in weight this week! Her face is almost fully formed, she has facial and body hair, and her lungs and capillaries are further developing. Also, her kicks are getting stronger and more frequent, which has been fun since I can now see her move from the outside and Travis can now feel her too! All in all, she's looking and acting more and more like the little one we'll meet in 3 months (did I mention that we can't wait?!). :) Grace just loves to look at the "picture of baby sister" in the book and on our blog, and to talk about what baby sister will do when she comes ("cry all the time"). It's so fun to have her share in the excitement of baby with us!
Til next time dear readers...
It sure would be awesome to be a cute pregnant lady like you are. Alas, I will leave that to you I guess.
I haven't gotten all of our stuff out yet to see what we have and don't have. I better get to work.
Wish we could be closer and enjoy our pregnancies together.
Mindi :)
@Mindi--Thanks for the compliment, but you're pretty cute yourself! (And I'm not the only one who thinks so; in fact, I KNOW Jason will agree with me on this.) ;)
I think my baby readiness spurt started because my cousin, who is about 37 weeks, recently posted about getting ready for her baby, and that got me thinking that I needed to get my butt in gear. Really, you still have plenty of time!
I wish we could be closer and be preggers together too. *Sigh* Hopefully someday!
Love, Jenny
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