Saturday, December 31, 2011

Texas Trip Part 4: Bell County Museum & Christmas Eve

On Friday, we visited the Bell County Museum in nearby Belton.

They were featuring a great exhibit on toys, and it was neat to reminisce about toys from our childhood and learn about different toys through the ages.

Some toys from our parents era:

They also had a little playhouse set up for the kids to play in... well as a table full of toys, which the kids all enjoyed.

Travis teaching Grace the ways of the Jack in the Box:

Brandon, Kaden, and Spencer:

They even had an Atari game you could play. Here's Travis trying his hand at it:

After Toyland, we explored the rest of the museum.
Kaden and Grace with the electronic magnifier...

...and playing tag outside.

It was quite the cool little museum! And later that night, we played some more Ticket to Ride.

On Saturday (Christmas Eve), Travis and his brothers went for an early morning trail run, then Jason and Mindi and their family came over, and we hung out for most of the day, talking and playing Worms and Just Dance.
A few random pictures from the day:
Grace coloring with her cousins:

Bethany with her cousin Coralee, who's a month older than her:

Bethany just loved looking at her!

In the evening, we had a nice Christmas Eve ham dinner (thanks to Rachel and Mindi) and played Christmas Scattergories.

After dinner, the kids acted out the Christmas story, then Grace and some of her cousins opened one gift. Her gift (from us) was some new pjs (a recent family tradition).

And Bethany just watched it all and gave us some smiles. :)

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