Thursday, November 28, 2013


Thanksgiving 2013
This picture was actually taken on Thanksgiving Eve, but I don't get a lot of pictures of me and the girls so I'm throwing it in here. :)
 Thanksgiving this year was just what a holiday should be--relaxed and full of family and friends!
We spent the morning making brown sugar muffins, cuddling, and playing in the snow.
Round and round the backyard we went!
The girls couldn't get enough! 

Bethany kept saying "Wee!" It was SO cute! And it melted my heart how she held onto Grace. (Grace loved it too "Mom! Bethany's holding me!" she told me when I came outside.)
And when they'd worn Travis and I out, Grace and Bethany pulled the sleds around the yard by themselves. :)
It was SO nice to be outside playing together! Such sweet family time.

 After we finished playing in the snow, we came back in for a small lunch, and a rest for the girls while Trav and I finished Thanksgiving dinner preparations.
Then we headed to the Church for Thanksgiving dinner with my parents and friends (the Bauers, Kizzars, and Berry's--friends and fellow residents at Travis' program and at Church).
Dinner was great! All the adults had fun chatting and the kids had a blast playing around in the gym.
We took a quick break before dinner for a few family photos (our last formal family pic as a family of 4!).

Then we came home, put the kiddos to bed, and had seconds of pie and jell-o while we watched the Texas rivalry game.
It's been a great day and we're so grateful we were able to spend it with our loved ones!

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