Saturday, January 16, 2016

30 Day Challenge: Day 6

Question: How can I center my life on Christ?

Answer: Ether 3:1-4

Verse 1--By asking God to bless my efforts and actions (before I take them). Do His will and keep His commandments. (see also 2 Ne 32:9)
Verse 2--By praying always.Verse 3--By recognizing and showing gratitude for His mercies and blessings to me.
Verse 4--By having faith in His willingness and ability to bless me (in doing His will). ("Oh Lord...Thou hast all power and can do whatsoever Thou wilt for the benefit of man.")

The answer I received reminded me of the sacramental covenant--that we keep His commandments, always remember Him (which we do by praying always for help and in gratitude), and take His name upon us (strive to be an example of Him, by living and loving with an open heart as He did). I think it is intentional on God's part that we re-commit to these covenants each Sunday, as a weekly reminder of how we can center our lives on Christ.

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