Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Glacial Rexburg Winter

The other day the DJ's on the radio decided they didn't have enough creative words to describe just how cold it was so they asked people to call in with more ideas for them. Glacial was their favorite... And this morning's temperatures were most certainly "glacial." At 8:00 this morning Rexburg was enjoying a brisk -20 degrees with the wind bringing it down to -34 according to weather.com. Supposedly it was the lowest overnight temperature in 10 years. It was cold, but we somehow managed to survive. Today I learned that no matter how cold it is, it could always be worse... At least it wasn't snowing.


David and Anita Holloway said...

Don't freeze to death! You can come visit us in Balmy Blackfoot. The coldest it's been here is -8 and today it got up to the low 30's! We miss you. It was so fun to spend time with you.

Cassie and Mark said...

What a fun word! You are in good company; we have had freezing weather lately too. We're excited to see you this weekend. Take care!

jmholloway said...

On the other hand, you guys could come visit us in Texas. I think that the coldest it has been here lately is in the 50s. I know, what happened to winter? I am happy to say that we left it in Utah.

Tag! you're it! Check out my blog for the rules.

Mindi :)