Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I've been tagged!

Thank you, Mindi, for tagging me and giving me an excuse to do a fun blog post!
Here are the tag rules:

A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning
B. Each player answers the questions about themselves
C. At the end of the post, the player tags 4 people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they are tagged

And here are my responses:

10 years ago I was...
Just beginning two new phases of life--young womens and middle school. I was also taking my first art class.

5 things on my to-do list today:
1. Go to school
2. Go to work
3. Do homework
4. Go to the Democratic caucus with Travis
5. Email my grandfather

Things I would do if I were a billionaire:
Travel everywhere!
Own my own house and decorate it however I want.
Own two cars (that are less than five years old, and have less than 200,000 miles).
Own a really nice camera and take pictures of all the places I visit.
Put most of the money in the bank for mine, Travis', and our kids' future.
Donate to charities in my dad's and mom's name.

3 of my bad habits are:
Napping when I shouldn't.
Leaving my snow-covered shoes on when I walk all over our apartment (much to Travis' dismay).
Allowing Travis to do the dishes more than I should (he is so good about doing them!).

Places I have lived:
Issaquah, WA (age 1-19, in the same house no less)
Rexburg, ID (I'm going on my fourth year of school here, and am now a registered voter here!)

5 Jobs I have had:
YMCA--swim instructor and life guard.
Cold Stone Creamery--server.
Lakeside Montessori--teacher assistant.
Title Nine--retail assistant.
BYU-Idaho Writing Center--writing tutor.
Two jobs that I'd like to forget: ROC and Melaleuca

Things most people don't know about me:
I love Jane Austen books and movies.
I love the idea of being a stay-at-home-mom as my career.
I get excited about checking the mail every day.
I despise onions, tomatoes, and medium rare meat.
My favorite animal is a pig.
I'm married to the most wonderful man in the world (in my book, anyway).

So, who's tagged now?


Rachel Holloway said...

Okay, are you tagging Brandon, as in my husband Brandon?!? I will have to tell him--he never gets tagged. :)

jmholloway said...

I think it is great to tag the guys. They try to be all reserved but we all want to hear what they have to say. As if they are going to give real answers anyway. I know Jason wouldn't. Thanks for playing.

Mindi :)