Monday, February 11, 2008


I don't think I've ever experienced so much snow in such a short period of time. All of you who have lived in Southeastern Idaho, however, can probably comprehend. We got almost a foot of snow one night last week, and in the past week or so, it has seemed to never stop snowing. We have even had a couple of blizzards. Luckily, the past two days have been nice. We just wanted to document how very snowy it has been for us here.

The narley icicles outside our bedroom window:

Here is our snow-ladened apartment complex:
(I mean, really, look at those piles of snow!)

Here is a view of our driveway.

A neighbor's car, showing off the recent
snow fall.

What I wouldn't give some days to be visiting my parents in Tucson, AZ.

1 comment:

jmholloway said...

I love the word 'narley', thanks for reminding me of that. I can honestly say that I have enjoyed out 70 degree weather. I am not trying to rub it in ;)

Mindi :)