Saturday, December 31, 2011

Texas Trip Part 3: Park & Pool

On Thursday, we headed to the train station to get our family pictures taken by Rachel (thanks a million!!), then played at the nearby Whistle Stop playground. It was a sweet little playground, and the kids had a great time!

After the playground, we headed over to an indoor pool for their open swim. We've really only taken Grace swimming a couple of times, so I was happy we were able to take her again.
Grace was a little bit unsure at first/clingy with dad...

...but she warmed up to it pretty fast.

Rachel and her boys, Kaden, Spencer, and Carter:

Smiles :)

Big swimmer Jenna:

I stayed poolside with Bethany so I could watch her and take pictures, and she was good enough to entertain us with some bubble blowing.

We had a fun, busy day!

1 comment:

David and Anita Holloway said...

What a party! Grace looks so grown up coloring with her cousins.