Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

I had the best Mother's day yet this year. My sweet family spoiled me!
I was woken up in the morning to the sight of my sweet family coming in to my room holding gifts for me. Travis had helped the girls make a card (which is something I really look forward to each year and is always a highlight of my Mother's day). Another favorite part of Mother's day is always the letter Travis writes me. This year he surprised me by buying a beautiful Willow Tree box with a carving of a mother and daughter on the top and tucking his letter inside. Also inside was a bracelet Grace had made for me. I loved it all so much!!
Grace wrote most of the letters herself. She's getting to be such a good writer!
Travis was so sweet and got up early to make me cornbread and yogurt for breakfast too.

I love to get pictures of me with my kids on Mother's day. Here are a couple of the pictures we got. I truly feel so blessed each day to be the mom of these sweet, innocent girls. I love them so much!

I decided this would be the perfect time to wear the clothes I just bought with my birthday money.:)

We had a nice time at Church, then came home and ate a yummy dinner of stuffed shells, garlic bread, and salad that Travis had helped me make.
It really was the best Mother's day! Thanks family for making it so special for me!

1 comment:

Rachel Holloway said...

SOOO FUN! They spoiled you well, and it was WELL deserved!!!