Sunday, March 23, 2014

"Where'd it go?"

Bethany and Grace were SO sweet to Kaylee and Cambree at Church today! As soon as we pulled the babies out of their car seats, Bethany and Grace were adorning them with the sweetest hugs and kisses. It was so precious! They are so in love with their baby sisters.
Lately, Bethany and I have been playing a little game. She'll hide all or part of herself (like a hand or belly button), then ask me "Where'd it go?" She always has this fake "concerned face" when she asks it (mouth in an "O" shape, eyes wide), then a big grin and laugh when I find it. It's always fun.
Where formerly Bethany has mostly been saying just a few words at a time or repeating what we say, in the last week or so she has really started saying longer sentences of her own, and it's so great to see. We love to hear her little voice! She often uses it to let us know that the babies need attention, or to repeat what Grace has said to make sure we help Grace with what she needs as well. She's truly Grace's biggest fan, and is such a sweet sister to all her sisters. Bethany is also a great sharer, and will usually give Grace what she asks for.
Other Bethany-isms: Sometimes, when we tell her not to do something, she'll shrug her shoulders and/or hang her head, as if in defeat. It totally breaks your heart, and instantly makes us want to make her feel better.
Bethany also LOVES to pour. So yesterday, I decided to make a little pouring activity with some split peas we accidentally bought at the market. I put the peas in a large bowl with some little cups and toys that could be buried, and both Bethany and Grace have been loving playing with it ever since. They have fun filling up the cups and other toys, and playing "hide the toy and dig for it" with me. It's been a great activity. (Note: see yesterdays post for pics.)
Bethany also has a new job in the house--as our official mandarin orange peeler. A few days ago, after putting two and two together (that she loves to peel things and oranges need peeled), I asked her if she'd like to help me peel an orange. She's done it a few more times over the past few days. Then this morning, she practically ripped the orange out of my hand, demanding the peeling was hers to do ("No! No! My turn!"). I have to admit, I'm loving this new arrangement! :)

Today's pictures:
Our sweet Cambree:
Her and Kaylee LOVE to lift their arms these days. They're getting so strong!

Getting love on by big sister, and loving it.
Travis made these cinnamon rolls tonight using our new Blendtec blender. I could hardly wait til the kids went to bed to take a bite!


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