Friday, March 7, 2014

Snack attacks and popcorn hats

Today, after she finished her after-lunch snack of Pringles, Grace got the broom out all by herself and asked me to hold the dust pan, admitting that she had "made a mess with the Pringles afterall" (I had previously asked her to eat them over the table so they wouldn't make a mess). She tried to sweep it up herself, but after struggling with it, I told her we'd do it together, and holding her hand on the broom under my own, helped her clean up the mess. I was so impressed and proud of her for taking the initiative to make things right.

Later, we had an impromptu mid-afternoon popcorn and movie party (since all the younger girls took a super short nap). At one point, Bethany emptied the popcorn from her bowl into the cup holder of Grace's camp chair, then proceeded to put her bowl upside down on her head. Smiling, I remarked "Nice hat baby love." Then Grace, noticing what Bethany had done, said "That's a popcorn hat for pete's sake!" (like, good grief Bethany!). Travis and I laughed at the random expression, since we hardly ever say "pete's sake." Silly girls!
Today's (one and only) Picture:
(Cambree L, Kaylee R)

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