Friday, July 29, 2011

Happy You & Me Day

For our 4 year anniversary, Travis and I decided to go on a harbor cruise around Lake Erie. And I'm so glad we did! The 3 1/2 hour cruise felt way too short--I never wanted it to end!

Our cruise ship, the Nautica Queen:

We boarded right in the heart of downtown, in an area called the "Flats" (because it's the lowest part of the city), surrounded by buildings from the 1800's.

Once the ship left the shore, we were fed a buffet dinner of various salads, fresh fruit, rolls, green beans, roasted potatoes, beef, and chicken.
Here we are waiting at our table before dinner begins:

We stuffed ourselves silly for dinner. And for dessert, we had NY cheesecake with raspberry sauce--YUM (still not sure how we squeezed it in)!

The morning and early afternoon of our anniversary had been rainy and gray, but thankfully God answered my silent prayers and blessed us with a beautiful evening. :)

It was wonderful to watch the sun set over the water (and very romantic ;) ):

After dinner, we headed out on deck to better take in the view.

It was warm and breezy--perfect.

A nice man saw us taking the above pictures and asked us if he could take some pictures for us (he basically said "Here, give me that camera and get over there!"):

The lovebirds:

Thanks again nice man!

Heading back toward the city, from the bow of the ship:

The skyline:

After being in the front of the ship for awhile, we decided to go up on top...

...where we got these pictures of the city as the sun set...

...and danced to a slow song just before the night was through.

We had a wonderful time talking, eating, laughing, sightseeing, cuddling, kissing, and dancing. It was the perfect setting to remind me of how in love I am with Travis and how much I love him too...and always will. Happy Anniversary, my love! I'm so glad I get to spend forever with you!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Baby Names & Preggo Pic

We finally narrowed down the list of baby names to our top 5 picks, and would love to hear what your favorites are. Just go to the poll on the top left side of our blog to vote! (Note: you can only vote once, but if you'd like to give a shout out for your #2 & 3 picks, you can leave a comment under this post).

And because we're on the topic of babies, here's a pic of my baby bump from Week 23:

Monday, July 11, 2011

21/22 Week Update

Since I saw the Dr. last Thursday, I wanted to give everyone another update on our baby. The Dr. said that our little girl's heartbeat is strong and that my tummy is measuring right on (21 cm for 21 weeks), so everything looks good! According to "What to Expect", our baby is 1 lb in weight and almost 8 inches long this week (week 22), and is developing all of her senses. She's also getting more coordinated. Example: I asked Grace this morning if we should sing baby a song and suggested we sing "If you're happy and you know it" (since that's her favorite one to sing for FHE). Well, when we got to "If you're happy and you know it, shout hooray," baby sister gave me a little punch in the stomach. It was a pretty funny coincidence. I love feeling our baby kick, and am so grateful I get to feel her every day.

And since my mom always wants to know how big my tummy is now:
Week 21:

Week 22:

And a picture from today of our sweet Grace to make you smile:

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Great Singing Grace

Grace has become quite the little singer lately, and since she usually won't perform for more than 2 seconds when we pull out the video camera, I was SO excited when I was able to capture her singing some of her favorite songs on video at lunch today.
So here she is in her blog musical debut singing...

"Popcorn Popping" (unfortunately my camera malfunctioned and I didn't catch the whole thing. I was SO bummed! I love her little signs with it though :) ):

"The Itsy Bitsy Spider":

The "ABC Song":

And "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star":

We love to hear her sing, and are so glad that she enjoys music as much as we do!