Monday, February 1, 2010

Completed Goal

At the beginning of the year, Travis and I made a goal to read the Book of Mormon in 30 days, and today I'm happy to announce that WE DID IT! This had been something that I had always wanted to do but didn't think I could. However, thanks to a little determination, a detailed reading schedule, the support of a wonderful husband, and the help of a loving Heavenly Father, I was able to complete my goal. And although reading the scriptures that fast didn't allow for much serious doctrinal study, it was helpful for getting a better understanding of the storyline in the Book of Mormon, and it was a great opportunity for me to invite the Spirit into my life (and feel it!) everyday. I'm so glad that we've done this and look forward to more goal setting and completing in 2010!


Rachel Holloway said...

I think that's such a great goal and am so proud of you guys for accomplishing it! WAY TO GO!

crystal carlson said...

Way to go--that is so awesome! I need to do that too, but I was thinking more along the lines of 60 days :)

Lee and Roni Poston said...

Thats is awesome. I'm still working on it for the year. :) I should be able to finish if you can do it in a month right? Your blog is so cute glad I found you. Congrats on finishing your goal

David and Anita Holloway said...

Congratulations! We just finished reading the Book of Mormon as a family too, only it took us about a year instead of 30 days. I love your family picture. It brightens my day everytime I look at it.
Love Ya!