Tuesday, November 6, 2007

On the Mend

As most of you know, I have had mono for the past 3 weeks. This, besides being a major pain, has been the main reason that there have been few posts from us lately (since I am the primary poster and haven't felt well enough to really post, or more importantly, do anything post-worthy). At any rate, I am FINALLY on the mend, with only a (very-itchy) rash left as a residue of what I now believe is one of the most evil/brutal viral diseases one can contract (aka mono). I wish it on NO ONE, and hope very much that I don't get my sweetie sick. I just wanted to let you all know that I am doing much better, and that I returned to work on Monday, so things are going pretty good for me now. Thank you all for your prayers, advice, and kind words. They were much appreciated!! And thank you Travis for taking SUCH good care of me; you have been my nurse and my angel throughout the past 3 weeks, and I LOVE YOU!!!


jmholloway said...

I am glad to hear that you are doing better. The Holidays are better enjoyed without illness.

Mindi :)

Cassie and Mark said...

I am so glad you are feeling better! What a terrible way to start out a marriage. It's interesting how illness can make you really appreciate what you have and all that people do for you. Thank you for helping me when I was sick! Thanks for your comments on our blog. I will try to look at yours and comment more often. Hopefully we'll see ya'll over the holidays!

Susan said...

Jenny-I am glad to hear that you are doing better! MONO as I heared is horrible, I've been lucky to not have it thus far. I saw your car out in our parking lot this morning I am guess the guys are studying. We have a blog too check it out!--Susan