Sunday, November 18, 2007

In the Clouds

Max Lucado, in his book "God Thinks You're Wonderful" wrote:
"(God) could have left the world flat and gray...but He didn't.
He splashed orange in the sunrise, and cast the sky in blue...
Say nothing and listen as heaven whispers, 'Do you like it?
I did it just for you."

We get pretty nice sunsets here in Rexburg, but this one was
particularly nice. When Travis saw it through our living room
window, he said "Look! We have to go outside and take pictures!"
And so we grabbed our cameras and our coats and ran outside. We
both love photography, so we had fun taking several shots. Then
we held each other and just stared at the beauty of it. I'm so grateful
to our Heavenly Father for creating such a beautiful world for us to
live in.


Rachel Holloway said...

Oh, I DO miss a good Rexburg beautiful. You guys did a great job with the pics! :)

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