Tuesday, March 11, 2008


So, what is new with us? Not much, but here it is:
Jenny has been accepted as a University Studies Major (yea for having only 2 more semesters!).
Travis went on his first job shadow with an optometrist and learned some new things (way to go Trav!).
Travis' birthday is only two days away, and we're so excited to celebrate it with his family.
There are only 4 weeks left of the semester, and then we get to go hiking in Kirkwood and visit Jenny's parents. Along with this, there are only a few projects and tests left in the semester.
The weather is finally warming up, and the sun is shining. The temperature reached almost 40 degrees today.
I got a really great deal on a gorgeous necklace from our cousin Jenn Owens ($6 for a $98 necklace. I felt like Rachel with one of her great deals =) ).
We've been married for over 7 months now!
So, there's a quick update. Hopefully the summer semester will be a little slower, so we'll be more on top of our posts!
Love you all!


Rachel Holloway said...

I posted a comment already and it kicked me back and went away!

Rachel Holloway said...

so, here is my comment now that it will let me post...

YEAH for spring and the end of the semester--soon! We can't wait to see pics. The kids love to see them-

Let's see some pics of that AWESOME deal Jenny! LOOK AT YOU GO! So exciting!

jmholloway said...

Thanks for the update. It is great to have things to look forward to isn't it? I love finding great deals. I just got a shirt for only $3. I rarely buy anything, but this one fit and was dirt cheap. Feels great!

Mindi :)

Cassie and Mark said...

It's good to hear from you again! Congrats on only have 2 semesters left! Hopefully it will go by fast. Congrats on the new necklace; I'm excited to see it! Good luck with finishing the semester.