Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Ohio Trip--Day 1

Day 1: We flew into the Cleveland airport, where we were picked up by Travis' brother's Jason and Brandon, and then headed over to Rachel and Brandon's house, where we were greeted with a scrumptious pasta dinner (compliments of Rachel)...yum. And after dinner? We decorated caramel apples (a Halloween tradition that should never be overlooked if you ask me)!

Rachel helped the kids out with their caramel apples first. It was so fun to watch them decorate and eat their caramel apples! While Jenna and Cailyn were big fans of the toppings and savored each sugary bite, Kaden was primarily concerned with the apple slices themselves (picking off the caramel as if it didn't belong, and then eating the apples like a watermelon slice). So cute!

The girls choosing their toppings (so many great choices!):

And our other "caramel apple-ing" buddies:

Brandon here, happily drizzling extra caramel on his apple.

Jason and Mindi, just before they dug into the "caramel apple-ing" fun.

Jason and Cailyn:

Kaden was kind enough to entertain us while we decorated our caramel apples (and was just so darn cute as he did!).
Here he's showing us where his eyes are...

His ears (don't you just love that ADORABLE smile?!)...

And his big muscles (his expression is perfect for this shot!).

Travis with his delicious finished product.

My caramel apple.

Everyone's caramel apples...scrumptiliumptious!

With our apples completed, and the kids in bed, we adults headed off to the living room to watch some episodes of "The Office" and finally eat our caramel apples (mine was seriously the tastiest, most decadent caramel apple I've EVER had--yum-o!). And to finish the night? We all played musical catch phrase (and laughed, danced--Thriller, anyone?, and sung ourselves silly)! Thanks for the great night Holloway fam! More on our Ohio trip to come soon!


Rachel Holloway said...

Was that all really the night you came??? WOW! We packed a lot in that night! You guys were probably SO exhausted!

It's weird to see me in pictures...since I usually don't. I am definitely not I hope you limited the remaining pictures you took of me.

Glad you guys came!

jmholloway said...

It was really nice to see y'all. I wish those get togethers could happen more often.

Mindi :)

Lacy said...

i loved seeing all your pictures. What a fun night.