Monday, May 18, 2009

Already One Week Old!

Last Thursday, Grace turned one week old! Time with her is passing by so fast! Sometimes, I want her to grow up quickly so that I can interact with her and discover her personality; and other times, I just want her to stay this small size forever so I can cuddle her in my arms. Sigh. I'll just have to catch the precious moments as they pass. commemorate Grace's big event, here is a post of pictures from her first week of life and her one week old birthday!

My parents were good enough to come and stay with us after Grace was born (my dad left Saturday and my mom will stay for another week), and their favorite thing to do here has been to hold and love Grace (obviously!).
Here are some pictures of them doing just that during her first week of life:

My mom also brought several books for Grace, and enjoys reading them to her (when Grace is awake):

Daddy and daughter playing together too (of course):

And then, for her birthday, Grace got a mini photoshoot!

Here she is all squeaky clean after her bath:

My mom made a quilt for her too, so we had to get lots of pictures of her in that! (Oh, and her dad picked out her birthday outfit...just thought you should know.)

Isn't her hair starting to look red?

I just LOVE her pretty blue eyes! And she just loves her little hands up by her face! =)

She also loves to be all stretched out, which is kinda funny for a newborn, but we think it's so cute!

She was such a little sport!

Our pretty girl:

Grandpa loves his little Grace!

We also made cupcakes for her birthday, but since she couldn't enjoy them with us, we didn't take pictures. And for the rest of the day, we just snuggled her and showered her with love and attention. =)
HAPPY one week BIRTHDAY baby Grace! We love you!


jmholloway said...

She is sooooo cute! I wish we were close enough to come by and snuggle that precious little red-headed girl. Congratulations!

Mindi :)

Sara said...

Your little one is adorable. Thanks for posting pictures of her :-)

mallena said...

I haven't checked your blog for awhile. It wasn't until I saw some pictures of your family on Rachel's blog that I knew you had your baby. I hope the delivery went well. You look great! Your baby is BEAUTIFUL!! Congratulations!

chelsi and Sean said...

Oh my goodness she is so precious! I can't wait to meet her! I hope it's sometime soon!

Chippy said...

She is so beautiful. Good job! :D