Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Baby Update

We just got back from the Dr.'s office (for our LAST appointment!) with the latest:
I am:
dialated to 3 cm's
70% effaced
and the baby is at a -3 station (down closer to my pelvic bones) and is still head first. =)
Also, as usual, my blood pressure is good, and the baby's heart beat sounds great.
Now, for the really interesting news:
The Dr. went ahead and "stripped my membranes" (separated the baby's amniotic sac from my uterus), which means that my labor could get jumpstarted, and we could be heading to the hospital tonight...or, the process could keep going as it has been, and I could continue in false labor. So far though, my contractions aren't feeling any different (which is supporting the second scenario).
So...we have a back-up plan: If our baby decides she likes life in the womb enough to stay in there for a few more days, I have an appointment to be induced Tuesday morning at 7:30 am. Long story short--we WILL have a baby by next Tuesday (though we really hope she decides to come before then)!
And since it's been awhile since I posted pictures, here are a few from last Friday--at 9 months pregnant:

The "mommy" and the excited "dad-to-be":

We love you baby Grace and can't wait to meet you!


Leanna said...

Holy cow! I am so excited for you! I wanted the doctor to strip my membranes at my last appointment, but he was in too much of a hurry. So I came home and cried myself to sleep (can we say "emotional"? haha) and then I went into labor a few hours later. I wish you the same labor I had, too! Good luck! You (and Grace) will be in our prayers!

Bart and Shantyl Stears said...

Oh my goodness, Jenny! I am so excited for you guys. It is so fun to see how much your baby has grown since we left!! You better keep us updated! We want to know when you have to baby. You... or Travis better call!

jenn said...

WOW look at you, about to pop!! I cannot tell you how excited I am for you both : D I have been working on a blanket for you, I need to hurry up and finish it so I can mail it to you guys!! Love you both lots, and keep us updated if you can!

Rachel Holloway said...


The Martins said...

Wow!! I am so excited for you!! We'll be thinking of you this week. :) Good luck! What a fun time!

Alan J said...
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princess jen said...

Congratulations!! Having a new baby is so exciting. Can't wait to see photos of her!

Katy said...

Hey Lady!!!! Congrats on the new baby!!!! (by the way, it's me, Katy... you know, from Mission24... yep, you can't get rid of me)

Can't wait to see some pictures of sweet Grace on M24.. I'm sure you'll find a good way to incorporate her into at LEAST a gazillion photo challenges!! Hope all's well!

Jackie said...


Mindy said...

Got the news from Rachel.... congratulations!!! And I LOVE the name Grace! Our Cooper would've been Gracie if he'd been a she! ;) Can't wait to see the pictures!

George and Teri said...

Congratulations Jenny and Travis. Anita was telling me that they were hoping the baby would be born on Daves Birthday on the 12th but glad to hear that she is safely here. Can't wait to see pics of her on the blog. Love Teri

David and Anita Holloway said...

Bye, Bye Belly. Welcome to the world Adorable, precious little Grace. How we love you!
Lita & Papa

Jami said...

Wow, I'm guessing from these comments that you have already had her?

Did you survive? I look forward to hearing the whole story soon! Good luck to you and Trav being new parents.

Can't wait to meet Grace.