Friday, November 15, 2013

Grammy and Poppy are here!

After years of living far away from each other and months of wondering and hoping that it would really work out--my parents have moved to Youngstown! Numerous hours of packing and cleaning, several goodbye parties and dinners, and a long cross-country car ride later, they got here November 1st, and have been settling in ever since. We were able to help them find a cute little house to rent just 2 minutes away, and we are SO excited to have them close!
To be honest, we've all been wishing we could live closer since we moved here to Ohio (it's a travesty to separate grandparents and grandkids you know), and are so glad that we finally do, especially with our twins on the way. Having my parents around to help take care of our soon-to-be 4 little ones will be SUCH a huge help and blessing!
The girls could not be more excited to have Grammy and Poppy here! They ADORE their Grammy and Poppy Reed, and have been best buds right from the start!


 Hand holding:

And lots and LOTS of playing...

...and laughing, and SILLINESS have been the order of the day since they arrived.

It's grandparent/grandkid heaven, and we're all so glad. :)


David and Anita Holloway said...

Grandparent Heaven! I know what that feels like and I love it! I cherish memories we've made! So very happy Poppy and Grammy are enjoying Grandparent Heaven for the both of us!!!

Marie said...

adorable! little B looks so much like her Grammy, i didn't realize til i saw these pictures. beautiful! it's so nice to have grandparents close.