Wednesday, February 6, 2008


On Tuesday night, Travis and I attended the Democratic caucus in Madison County. Over 200 people showed up and crammed into Madison Middle School's library to give their vote. It was a much larger crowd than expected (Madison being the "reddest" county in the country). Everyone was pleased with the turnout. Although we lean toward the Republican side, we still thought it would be fun to participate in a caucus (the Republican caucus isn't until May). Trav has really been following the 2008 election, so it was nice for us to be a part of the process even in a small way. It was also neat to see fellow BYU-I students, as well as BYU-I professors there--and overall, people just being politically active. The result: 2 delegates for Obama, and 1 for Hillary Clinton. Idaho overwhelmingly voted for Obama (thank goodness). It was a fun night. =)
Attendees discussing politics:

Two Obama supporters discussing the issues:
Travis' old calculus teacher trying
to recruit Travis to give an "appreciation"
vote for John Edwards.

Here we are, waiting for the caucus to begin.
The "V" here is for "voting."

At the end, we got to vote for people from the
caucus to represent us at the state convention.
Aren't you so glad that we live in the USA and
can take part in our country's politics?!


Rachel Holloway said...

awesome title! :) That looks like so much fun--it is nice to be involved in the political side of things sometimes!

David and Anita Holloway said...

Thank you for sharing your political enthusiasm. very important.