Monday, February 11, 2008

I guess Jenny got caught in a friendly game of tag that my sisters were playing...and she tagged me. So here's my story.

A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning
B. Each player answers the questions about themselves
C. At the end of the post, the player tags 4 people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they are tagged

10 years ago I was . . .
in Jr. High i guess... exciting, eh?

5 things on my to do list today . . .
1. Go to school
2. study chemistry
3. FHE
4. hug and kiss my wife
5. sleep

4 Things I would do if I became a billionare.
- Pay for school
- buy a decent car for our family
- give some away
- save it

3 of my bad habits are. . .
1. biting my cheeks
2. procrastination
3. reading about news or politics when i should be studying

5 places I have lived
-Moscow, ID
-Idaho Falls, ID
-Grangeville, ID
-Rexburg, ID
-Odate, Japan

5 jobs I have had
-Independent Contractor for the Lewiston Morning Tribune
-Utensil Sanitatization Specialist
-umm...I worked at a movie theater. I can't think of a clever job title for that one.
-Melaleuca Customer Care Wellness Representative
-Psychiatric Technician

4 Things most people don't know about me.
- i never sleep with a pillow
- i like politics...sometimes
- i don't like it when my wife has to take the garbage out because it means i've been lazy
- i'm afriad of heights

OK, now who's it?
i guess i'm supposed to tag some more people...
(Parents, you might have to help them out a little bit.)
1. Jenna
2. Cailyn
3. Gavin
4. Kamela

i can't wait to read what they have to say.

1 comment:

jmholloway said...

You and Jason and so much alike. That is neat. Thanks for sharing alittle about yourself.

Mindi :)

We will certainly help Cailyn with her tag.