Friday, February 8, 2008

A few of my favorite things

I had been reading Rachel's post of "Her Favorite Things"/"Love Is", hoping to do a similar thing, but never getting around to doing it on a regular basis. So, this post is about just that--What I, Jenny, think love is, and what my favorite things are. So, here goes:

A few of my favorite things:
1. Fridays.
2. The luxury of sitting and not having to think or worry about anything; to just watch the world move around you for a moment.
3. Beautiful sunsets.
4. Tide-to-go pens (they even work on 6 mo old stains on your wedding dress--a miracle product).
5. Clean jeans lovingly laundered by your husband.
6. Sleeping in.
7. Cleaning the house or making dinner just before Travis gets home.
8. Walking around in Hallmark or scrapbook stores and just looking at everything.
9. Getting a present for someone that I think they'll really like.
10. Putting on a new outfit for the first time.
11. Red Robin hamburgers and fries.
12. Girl talk.
13. Sitting by the ocean.
14. Squeezing Travis tight.
15. Shoulder rubs.
16. Getting pampered at the salon.
17. Reading a good book.
18. Being in the celestial room and knowing that families can be forever.

Love is...
Doing the dishes.
Giving a back massage.
Soft kisses.
Little notes left around the house.
Making dinner.
Grabbing you a glass of water.
Stroking your hair.
Paying attention.
Laughing at your cheesy joke.
Giving you a chance to win the game.
Holding your hand.
Watching a chick flick/action movie.
Warming up the car.
Tucking you in.
A sincere compliment.
Opening your car door.
Praying for you to do well on your test.
Saying: "I forgive you," "I appreciate you," "I love you."

1 comment:

Rachel Holloway said...

You and I are SO much alike...I love seeing them all at once. VERY fun! GREAT FRIDAY NIGHT POST!!!