Sunday, April 6, 2008

Charlie Bit Me

We get jealous because everyone always posts about their kids and since we don't have any we can't do that... So the next best thing (obviously) is to find videos of kids on you-tube and post them. This video is dedicated to all the biters, the screamers, and the whiners out there.



Rachel Holloway said...

YOU POSTED IT BEFORE ME!!! AHHH!! :) JK! We found this the other day and Jenna and Kaden LOVED IT...they made us watched it like 50 times. And then all day Jenna walked around with a british accent saying, "CHALIE BIT ME"...and "AND IT REALLY HURT!"


jmholloway said...

Cailyn and I just sat and watched several of these babies videos for about 30 minutes, laughing the entire time. Thank you so much for posting that, it really helped get my day back on a positive track.

Mindi :)

jmholloway said...

Everytime I am on the computer Cailyn comes in asking to watch this video. Then we giggle and laugh together! Thank you for providing something that Cailyn wants to do with me!

Mindi :)

Cassie and Mark said...

So funny!!!! We have had many experiences like that at our house! Thanks for the good laugh.

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