Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Hey everyone, this is Travis...
Don't I have the best wife in the world? The answer is yes, yes I do.

Well i don't have anything really special to say... I just wanted everyone to know that the countdown has begun. After today we have only 7 days of school left this semester! 7 days actually going to school, that is. I can't wait.
And next thursday, after we finish the very last day of school, Jenny and me and Bart and Shantyl(bart's wife) will be heading out of town to hike into Kirkwood landing. We're going to stay with Candace in Paul on thursday night before heading north on Friday. Then we'll hike in on Friday and out on Saturday, stay with someone in grangeville on saturday night, go to church in Grangeville on Sunday, then head home. I haven't been to Grangeville since June of 2004 and Jenny has never been so we're pretty excited to go up...just for a brief visit. It will be a nice break from school and a chance for bart and i to re-live "the good ol' days."
After our Kirkwood/Grangeville trip we'll be heading south to the sunny state of Arizona to visit Jenny's family. Her parents report the weather to us regularly and its usually in the 80's. I just heard yesterday that this year's month of March in Rexburg was the second coldest on record... Tucson's sun sounds pretty nice. And we'll get to see some of her family that i haven't met yet, so that makes the trip even more exciting.
That's about all the "big news" we have for now, but after the past months of school a little break is certainly a big deal to us.


jmholloway said...

We hope you guys have a lot of fun. Be careful and enjoy the days before kids.

Mindi and Jason :)

ps Watch out for snakes, poison ivy, bears, and of course, BIGFOOT!

Cassie and Mark said...

It sounds like you have a lot of exciting events coming up! Congratulations on finishing (almost) another semester of school! Good luck with finals! I haven't been to Grangeville since December 2002. Crazy! Tell everyone hi for us, and if you meet Kimberly and Derrick Oxnam tell them hi from us. We knew them in our student ward at ISU. Let us know how your travels went when you get back. Take care!