Monday, March 9, 2009

Pregnancy Report

We went in to the Dr. for my regular check-up this morning, and learned that everything is looking good. My tummy is measuring at 30 cm (so just 1 cm off--it's supposed to be 1 cm for each week of pregnancy), our baby's heartbeat is sounding great, and my weight gain is right on
track. The only disappointment was that the Dr. couldn't tell what position our baby was in yet, but he said that he'll be able to at the next appointment or so--so cross your fingers for "heads down"! We've also entered a new stage in terms of appointments, which means we will be going in every two weeks now (for a month) and then every week until D-Day! Delivery is starting to feel so close!
From "What to Expect" for Week 31: "Though your baby still has 3 to 5 pounds more to gain before delivery, he or she is weighing in at an impressive 3+ lbs this week. And at 18 inches long (give or take a couple because fetuses this age come in all sizes), your baby is quickly approaching his or her birth length. Also developing at an impressive clip these days: your baby's brain connections (baby has to make trillions of them)." I can't believe that she, and my stomach, have that much more to grow still! It feels like my tummy has already been stretched to the max! (But as she has recently moved up to my ribs and starting kicking around up there, I know that she'll make room for herself as she grows somehow!)
Another different thing about this stage of the pregnancy is that our baby's kicks aren't as strong as she doesn't have as much space to move around in. This has been kind of a fun change because now we get to feel lots of distinct little movements from her right underneath my skin. Just yesterday, I was sitting at the computer, and with my hand on my belly, was able to feel all of these little nudges and sliding movements from our baby just beneath my hand. It was such a precious moment--like she was trying to snuggle up close to me. And last night, as we were reading scriptures, she did the same thing for Travis. It's really cool because it's like you can almost tell what part of her is pushing out, be it her foot or her elbow, and it makes her feel more like a baby and less like an alien being in my tummy.
And finally, here is a picture of me from this morning--at 7 months, 1 week pregnant. Looking at this picture makes me think, "Wow, I AM getting big!"


Erica said...

Just wait a couple more weeks... You'll look back on this pic and say, "Wow, I was so small!" It's fun to see how much baby grows, especially toward the end!

Rachel Holloway said...

JENNY YOU ARE SO DANG CUTE! I love it! I am so happy you are having good progress and that things are right on. We will hope for heads down when the time comes! :)

I love the changing of movement inside...though it was during the last trimested that I had weird dreams about hands and feet sticking out of my belly. :)

chelsi and Sean said...

Jenny thanks so much for commenting on all my posts. I like the fact that someone cares! :) you're a beautiful pregnant woman bytheway! :)