Thursday, October 13, 2011

35 Weeks

Since my last update, baby girl has "dropped" (this happened last Thursday--I think the 2 1/2 hours I spent at the zoo with Grace did the trick), and I've experienced some contractions (mostly this past Sunday; they were 3-5 minutes apart for an hour, and we were more than a little concerned that baby girl might come early; but thankfully the contractions stopped and I haven't had any regular ones since :)).
I went to the Dr. today and she said that the baby's heartbeat is strong, that I'm measuring right on, that I'm not dilated at all yet (which I was a little surprised at because baby girl sure feels like she's in place and ready to go), and that the baby's head is down (hooray!). I can't believe this was my last 2 week appt, and that (as of tomorrow) I have only 1 month of this pregnancy left!!! The Dr. also told me that at my appt. next week, she'll do an ultrasound to see how big the baby is and make sure everything looks OK (which I wasn't expecting, but am very grateful for).
As far as baby prep goes, our little scare on Sunday kicked us into gear for the final preparations, so the baby's bed is now set up, her clothes are washed and put away, and the diaper station is set up too (I'd post pictures, but we still have a little more organizing to do before the "baby area" of our room is complete).
And speaking of complete, a pregnancy post wouldn't be without a belly pic, so here's one of me from last Saturday (just after I got my hair cut):

1 comment:

crystal carlson said...

SO cute Jenny--hair & belly :)