Sunday, October 2, 2011

33 Weeks

This week finds me officially a week into my 8th month of pregnancy! According to "What to Expect," our baby girl currently weighs about 4 1/2 lbs, is around 19 inches long, and finally has opaque (non-see through) skin. It's crazy to think how close she is right now to what she'll look like at delivery (and OH are we curious to see how this little one will look, especially compared to Grace--will she look like a little Grace? Will she look completely different?)!
At the Dr.'s office this past Thursday, I learned that the baby's heart beat continues to be strong, and that she'd measuring right on. :) The Dr. also gave me the good news that although baby #2 won't necessarily come early, she should come fast (typical 1st labors last about 12 hours, whereas 2nd labors are only 4 or so hours long!), which I am SUPER excited about! We've been finalizing our birth plan this past week and can only hope that everything actually does go according to plan (a vaginal birth with an epidural and no tearing). I can't deny that I feel kinda nervous about the delivery (who doesn't I guess), but having gone through it once before definitely decreases my anxiety. I'm just so grateful that I'll have my super coach Travis with me no matter what. :)
I can't believe that (as of tomorrow) I only have 6 weeks left, and that my next Dr. appt will be my last bi-weekly one! Thankfully some nesting urges have kicked back in to help me get through the final baby preparations.
Well, last but not least, here's a baby bump pic from this week (taken yesterday):

P.S. In case you were interested, the name for baby girl #2 will be (as of now) Bethany Adelle Holloway.


The Martins said...

You look great, Jenny! So excited for you! I love the name Bethany. Emily

Cassie and Mark said...

Jenny, you look great and I loved the update! I am so excited for your sweet little girl to come! I love the name choice too! Very cute!

Richard and McKenna said...

Glad everything is going well! And don't be too nervous about delivery! My delivery with Brielle was AWESOME! He broke my water, got the epidural 2 hours later when it started to hurt, went from a 5 to complete in 30 minutes and had her 2 pushes later! It lasted less than 5 hours and was a dream (well as much as labor can be haha). I just posted the whole story on my blog if you are interested in reading all the details (I love reading birth stories). Point is, second deliveries are so much better! You look great! And I LOVE her name! So pretty!!