Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Baby News from the Dr.'s Office

As previously mentioned, I went to the Dr.'s office yesterday for another regular check-up. Crazily enough, it was my LAST 2 week check-up, as my appointments now will take place EVERY WEEK! So, here's the latest:
For me: I gained 2 lbs since the last check-up (so still on track, though a few days of not working out caught up to me...oops!), and my blood pressure is good.
For baby: She is measuring at 35 cm (right on!), her heartbeat is sounding great, and her head is still down, so all good things there too (though, unfortunately for me and my rib comfort, she hasn't dropped yet. Oh well.).
The Dr. said again that everything is looking good, and that he expects a perfect pregnancy/delivery from me (PLEASE BE TRUE!). He told me that I'm welcome to go into labor anytime after next week, but that the most likely D-day is still my due date (which is what we're hoping for, as I haven't reached the point of "just get this baby out of me!" quite yet). I can't believe that as of tomorrow, we will only have ONE MONTH LEFT!
In summary, mother and baby are both doing well, and now Travis and I are just looking forward to this last month of finishing the final preparations for our baby!

1 comment:

jmholloway said...

Glad to hear that everything is going well. Good luck with everything. You are doing great and will most definitely get to the point of "get this baby out of me". That is a blessing from the Lord, I know of it. We love you and are excited to see this little one.

Mindi :)