Friday, April 3, 2009

Baby News: Week 35

I know that I'm going to be posting again on Monday to give you all another "official" report from the Dr.'s office, but it felt like a while since I had posted about our pregnancy (in which we've reached some exciting milestones =)), so I thought I'd give you an update today as well.

Our recent milestones include: (1) that I reached the 8 month pregnancy mark this past Wednesday, and (2) that, as of today, we officially only have 5 weeks left until D-day (delivery day)!! The time sure is flying by!! (It's such a relief to be at this point though, and know that our baby could come at any time now and likely be just fine.=))

Another fun thing that happened recently was that our baby had a huge bought (like a 15 minute stretch!) of the hiccups. Travis and I had just gone to bed on Tuesday night, when all of a sudden I started to feel these constant, regular (about every 2 seconds) little movements from our baby. (It felt like little kicks that vibrated across my belly.) I nudged Travis and told him to put his hand on my belly so he could feel them too. =) He had never felt her hiccup, and come to think of it, I don't think I have either, as the movements I thought were hiccups before were very different from these (though maybe that was just because she was a lot smaller then). At any rate, it was a fun experience for us (though probably not for our poor baby--that's a long time to hiccup!).

And last, but not least, an update from "What to Expect" for Week 35": "Your baby stands tall this week at about 20 inches, and continues to follow the 1/2-pound-a-week plan, weighing in at about 5 1/2 big ones. While growth will taper off when it comes to height (the average full-termer is born at about 20 inches), your baby will continue to pack on the pounds up until delivery day. Something else she will be packing on in the few weeks that remain are brain cells." The little smarty!

Well, til Monday then!


Leanna said...

haha I know what you mean about the hiccups! Hazel had them ALL the time while I was pregnant. It could be really cute but also really annoying! She even had the hiccups during labor. When I was hooked up to the fetal monitor (where I and the nurses could hear her heartbeat continuously while in labor) she had the hiccups and they were SO loud on the monitor! haha The nurses had to turn down the volume because you could hear it down the hall.

Anyway, good luck on this last 5 week stretch! Let me know if there is anything I can do for you! =D

Rachel Holloway said...

How fun! I am so excited that your time is going quickly and we will get to see that little one soon!

And hey, don't plan on a 20 inch baby. After all, it's a Holloway baby. :) jk