Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Quick Update

Our Dr.'s appointments are coming so quick these days! It feels like I just posted about one, and here I am doing again!
So, to tell you all quickly...
Our baby is measuring right on at 36 cm, her heartbeat sounds great, and her head is still down!
According to "What to Expect," she is "weighing about 6 pounds and measuring somewhere around 20 inches tall, and is almost ready to be served up into our arms. In addition, most of her systems (from circulatory to musculoskeletal) are just about equipped for life on the outside," which makes sense because in just two days, she'll be considered full term!
As for my stats from the Dr.'s office, I didn't gain any weight at all since last week--in fact I weighed in at 2 lbs less (and I didn't exercize at all--how does that work?! But the Dr. didn't say anything about it, so I won't complain!), my blood pressure is good, and the baby feels just fine in there.
In other news: the Dr. said that he won't check my cervix for dialation or effacement until my 38 week appointment (so, 2 weeks from now), which is fine by me since I haven't had any contractions yet anyway! He also said that if I go past the due date, I can name the day to induce, which is kinda nice. =)
It's funny--I'm at that point in the pregnancy where D-day seems so close that it feels like it could happen anyday, so at almost 37 weeks I'm tempted to start getting impatient for our baby to come; but in all honesty, I'd still much rather she do it on her due date! There are still a few things we need to do and get to prepare for her coming, and I also want to cherish and make the most of these last few weeks of it being just the two of us (and get in as many baby-free dates as we can!).
Only 3 more weeks til D-day!

1 comment:

Debra said...

I can't believe there's only 3 weeks left! How exciting!