Sunday, April 12, 2009

Prego Picture

My mom kindly reminded me the other day that it had been a while since I had posted a picture of myself (accenting my prego belly), so this one's for you mom! (Taken today, at almost 8 1/2 months pregnant or just over 36 weeks pregnant). Things are still going well, and we'll let you know the latest from the Dr. after our appointment on Tuesday!


jenn said...

so freakin' cute!!

jmholloway said...

You girls who can be pregnant and the only part of you that looks pregnant is your belly just make me sick. I still love you though, just a bit jealous. I am way excited for you, good luck!

Mindi :)

Leanna said...

How exciting at being so close to the end, and you look so cute! I know the last few weeks can be the hardest, especially with the belly hindering your movement, but hold in there because it's totally worth it. Good luck!

Cassie and Mark said...

Lookin' good! Only a few more weeks to go!

Rachel Holloway said...

WOO HOO! LOOK AT YOU GO!!! You are simply adorable!!!