Monday, December 3, 2007

For Some Laughs

Watching TV at Bart and Shantyl's recently, we kept seeing this add for "Frank TV" based on this guy, Frank Caliendo, who is an impressionist. Curious to see if he was any good, we looked him up on YouTube...and we found the next Bill Cosby. Frank is sooooooo funny, and the greatest part about his act is that he's so good at impressions, he doesn't need to do any innapropriate stuff to get laughs, so he's pretty clean. We love him! He does impressions of actors, political figures, sports commentators, etc., and is so good at them all. We've seen most of his videos several times now, and they still make us laugh.
So, to share the laughs, we decided to post one of his videos from YouTube on our blog for you to see. Hope you like it!

And if you do, check out some more of his videos on YouTube, or watch FrankTV tuesday nights at 10/11. It's so refreshing to experience some clean humor, don't you think?

1 comment:

jmholloway said...

Those were hilarious! Thank you for sharing those. I will definitely have Jason watch those.

Mindi :)