Monday, December 31, 2007

This looks like a new post but it's actually a continuation of the previous post so read that one first, please. Thanks.
So after dinner at La Casita we went back home to exchange gifts. It was not quite the 25th but we wanted it to feel like Christmas so we read the Christmas story from the Bible and then gave each other gifts.
The first picture is Jenny's mom opening the gift Jenny got for her, some nice facial stuff from Nicole Miller and a nice bag to put them in.

Below is Mike and Jenn opening a gift from Susan. They live in Louisiana and Jenn is flying back and Mike isn't sure how long he's staying or not staying in Washington so gift cards seemed like the most convenient gift for them. That is what you don't see under the green paper in the box in the picture.

Here's Papa John opening the gift we gave him, President Gordon B. Hinckley's biography. He was also very excited when he opened a package of brand new, gold toe socks. That was the only thing on his list and he would have been devestated if he didn't get any.

This is me opening the DVD Mom and Dad Reed gave me, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. They also gave me a very nice temple bag. So I no longer have to use my old school backpack.

Jenny was the one taking all the pictures so we don't have any of her opening gifts... unless I have some on my camera. I'll check. Nope. And for the life of me I can't remember what she got from her parents so she'll have to let you know later. I do remember that Mike and Jenn brought some sleeping bags for us that they actually meant to give us as a wedding gift...but due to the cost and hassle of shipping they became Christmas presents instead. I forgot to mention that Chelsi got us some camp chairs so we are slowly collecting the gear we need to run away to the woods if we ever get a free weekend. Hopefully we'll have more than one opportunity this summer. That doesn't have much to do with Christmas...but we are very thankful to everyone who gave us anything this Christmas. I love the Christmas spirit of giving.
We will be sure to post the last of the Issaquah pictures as well as pics from our very white Christmas in Blackfoot as well, so stay tuned!

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