Tuesday, October 7, 2008

MCAT scores and application update

Hey everyone. This is Travis just signing on to give a little update with what has happened since submitting my application for podiatry school. As Jenny mentioned, my application was sent to schools in Arizona and Ohio. I heard back from the Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine and have an interview scheduled for October 31st. I'm still waiting to hear back from Midwestern (the Arizona school). I also got my MCAT scores back today and am proud to report an overall score of 26M. I'll take it. It's higher than I expected so I can't complain one bit. That's all the news on the career front for now. Stay tuned for more details at a later date.


Rachel Holloway said...

WE CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU (HOPEFULLY BOTH)!! HOORAY! So glad you are finally coming out to visit. You are gonna LOVE IT! congrats and continued good luck with all this school stuff!

Cassie and Mark said...

Congratulations Trav! I am so proud of you!

Lacy said...

congratulations! and .... I'm a little slow and just found out you're pregnant so congrats on that too! btw, I love the feet picture at the top.