Saturday, October 25, 2008

Our Baby--Week 12

From "What to Expect":
"Your baby has more than doubled in size during the past three weeks, weighing in now at 1/2 ounce and measuring (crown to rump) about 2 1/2 inches. About the size of a large fresh plum, your baby's body is hard at work in the development department. Though most of his or her systems are fully formed, there's still plenty of maturing to do. The digestive system is beginning to practice contraction movements (so your baby will be able to eat), the bone marrow is making white blood cells, and the pituitary gland at the base of the brain has started producing hormones (s0 your baby will one day be able to make babies of his or her own)."

I can't believe our baby is going to have their own little babies some day! I'm just glad that we'll have a good 20 years with "Garbonzo" first! And I hope each week of those 20 years won't go as quickly as these weeks of pregnancy have. It's unreal that I'm already 12 weeks along, and that we have less than 200 days until our little "Garbonzo" is born. We go for our next prenatal appointment November 4, and are excited to hear more about how our babys doing then. And for now, although we're excited to meet our little one, we are also enjoying this time to physically and mentally prepare ourselves to be parents.


Leanna said...

You're right--time sure does fly! You guys will be great parents! I'm so excited for you. =D

The Martins said...

Time really does go by too fast! But it sounds like you are enjoying every second of pregnancy - it really is such a special time! And it's fun for us to hear how Garbanzo is growing! :)

Jessica said...

i'm not gonna lie jenny - your baby updates kind of make me wish i were pregnant (minus the nausea!) i am so excited for you! i hope the rest of the pregnancy goes smoothly!

David and Anita Holloway said...

We love reading about your beautiful little baby. Thank you for keeping us updated. Can't wait to see you on Wed! Love, M & D