Sunday, October 12, 2008

Week 10 of the Holloway Pregnancy

Our baby this week: "At nearly 1 1/2 inches long (about the size of a prune), [our] baby is growing by leaps and bounds: bones and cartilage are forming--and small indentations on the legs are developing into knees and ankles. Even more unbelievably for someone the size of a prune, the elbows on [our] baby's arms are already working. Tiny buds of baby teeth are forming under the gums." And further down, it's stomach and kidneys are already doing their thing! (You can see a few of these changes on the simulated baby.) We just can't believe how rapidly our little one is growing!
Mom this week: There have been some great, and some not so great days. Overall, I'm being able to eat more (which doesn't quite reach what I am normally able to eat, but at least it's an improvement), and am feeling less nauseus overall as well (although I'm still throwing up, though less often, and in increasingly more random places). Only 3 more weeks until the first trimester is over! (I'm hoping to feel back to my old self again by the time we leave for Travis' interview in Cleveland...hoping, praying, crossing my fingers!)
And as for what we have decided to name our baby for the time being--we still don't know. Go to our poll on the side bar to help us decide!


Rachel Holloway said...

CONGRATS! Another week down is something to celebrate! Now if only you could have a snowcone. :)

Can't wait until you guys come!

jmholloway said...

I am happy to hear that you are having at least some good days. I can't wait to see y'all.

Mindi :)